lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

ASSIGNMENT # 3: Innocence and experience, Blake's view of Childhood

Read the two poems "Holy Thursday" by William Blake. Then, watch the movie "Crónica de un niño solo", directed by Leonardo Favio. Considering both, answer the questions below. Passing mark: 60%
If you could not attend classes on Monday, you may watch the complete film clicking on the link below:

1. Make two lists of the images used in each of the poems by Blake. How do they help create different moods? (10 p.)
2. What image of childhood does the movie by Favio create? Which values do the infant protagonists show? Which anti-values does society / institutions show? (10 p.)
3. The first poem by Blake is "innocent". What does this word imply, in relation to the children, and in relation to adults? (10 p.)
4. How is innocence portrayed in Favio's film? How is experience (in the children) shown? (10 p.)
5. The second poem by Blake, from an experienced perspective, is an indictment against "innocence" or lack of knowledge. How does Blake shake our conscience? (i.e., through what literary means?) (10 p.)
6. "Crónica de un niño solo" is also an indictment against society and institutions. How does Favio visually shake our conscience? (10 p.)
7. Find at least 2 symbols in each of the poems. What do they stand for? (10 p.)
8. Find at least three symbols in the movie (you may pay attention to images, places (locale), objects, light/shadow, size, ways the characters look at the camnera, etc). What do these symbols represent? (10 p.)
9. Imagine you were about to write a comparative essay between the view of childhood expressed by Blake and the one reflected in Favio's movie. Write the thesis for that essay. (20 p.)

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